
app_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 app_accueil /accueil Path does not match
16 app_accueil_sendemail /email Path does not match
17 handlesuiviphotocentredetri /handlesuiviphotocentredetri Path does not match
18 app_show_inventaire /show-inventaire Path does not match
19 app_graphecentre /graphe Path does not match
20 app_rediriger_admin /accueilredirection Path does not match
21 submit_suivi_form /submit-suivi-form Path does not match
22 submit-photo-multiple-form /submit-photo-multiple-form Path does not match
23 submit_photo_suivi_form /submit-photo-suivi-form Path does not match
24 ajoutphoto_commentaire_form /ajoutphotocommentaire Path does not match
25 submit_commentaire_form /creationcommentaire Path does not match
26 app_site_creer /creersite Path does not match
27 app_creer_client /submitclient Path does not match
28 app_creer_client_final /creationclient Path does not match
29 app_creer_evenement_final /creationevenement Path does not match
30 formulaire_dechet_huile /formulairedechethuilesubmit Path does not match
31 suivicentredetri_new /ajoutsuivicentredetri Path does not match
32 app_login_adaptation /loginmobile Path does not match
33 app_visu_evenement /visuevenement Path does not match
34 admin /admin Path does not match
35 app_suiviphotocentredetri /suiviphotocentredetri Path does not match
36 ajouterphoto-form /ajouterphoto-form Path does not match
37 admin_photoarchives /admin/photoarchives Path does not match
38 app_formulaire_client /creerclient Path does not match
39 app_formulaire_evenement /creerevenement Path does not match
40 admin_interfacesuivi /admin/interfacesuivi Path does not match
41 admin_site /admin/site Path does not match
42 admin_commentaire /admin/commentaire Path does not match
43 admin_client /admin/client Path does not match
44 suivicentredetricrud /admin/suivi-centre-de-tri Path does not match
45 admin_evenement /admin/evenement Path does not match
46 admin_gerer_suivi /admin/gerer-suivi Path does not match
47 app_suivi_photo /afficherphotos/{id} Path does not match
48 ajouter_suivi_photo /ajouterphotosuivi/{id} Path does not match
49 app_commentaire_photo /photoscommentaire/{id} Path does not match
50 app_ajout_commentaire_photo /ajoutphotoscommentaire/{id} Path does not match
51 app_gerer_profill_agent /profile-agent Path does not match
52 app_supprimer_document /supprimer-document-agent Path does not match
53 app_submit_donnees_agent /submit-donneesagent Path does not match
54 app_modification_donnees_agent /modification-donneesagent Path does not match
55 app_synthesegenerale_pdf /pdf-synthesegenerale Path does not match
56 app_synthese /interfacesynthese Path does not match
57 app_consulter_suiviavecphoto_custom /consulterphotoavecsuivi Path does not match
58 app_recherche_photosuivi /recherchepdfphotosuivi Path does not match
59 app_exportpdfphotosuivitraitement /app_exportpdfphotosuivitraitement Path does not match
60 app_exportpdfphotosuivifinal /exportpdfphotosuivifinal Path does not match
61 search_results /search Path does not match
62 app_recherche_synthese_detaille /recherchesynthesedetaille Path does not match
63 pageFichierPersonnel /pageFichierPersonnel Path does not match
64 pageagentspourdoc /pageagentspourdoc Path does not match
65 app_synthese_detaille /synthesedetaille Path does not match
66 app_site_form_site /formulairesite Path does not match
67 app_suivi /creersuivi Path does not match
68 app_creer_commentaire /creercommentaire Path does not match
69 admin_suivi /admin/suivi Path does not match
70 app_formulaire /formulairesubmit Path does not match
71 app_evenement_synthese_custom /synthese-evenement/{id} Path does not match
72 app_centre_synthese_custom /synthese-centre/{id} Path does not match
73 app_consulter_suivicentre_custom /consulter-suivi-centre/{id} Path does not match
74 app_dispatch_bacs_custom /dispatch-bac Path does not match
75 app_suivi_centredetri /ajout-suivi-centre-de-tri Path does not match
76 app_crud_centredetri /admin/centredetri Path does not match
77 app_suivicentre_delete_custom /supprimer-centredetri/{id} Path does not match
78 app_evenement_delete_custom /supprimer-evenement/{id} Path does not match
79 admin_inventaire /admin/inventaire Path does not match
80 app_ajouter_inventaire /ajouter-inventaire Path does not match
81 app_gerer_personnel /gerer Path does not match
82 telecharger_documents_agent /telechargerdocuagent/{id} Path does not match
83 app_agent_supprimer /{id}/supprimer Path does not match
84 app_agent_role /{id}/changerole Path does not match
85 app_ajouter_agent /ajoutagent Path does not match
86 app_formulaire_pdf /pdf/{id} Path does not match
87 app_suivi_pdf /pdf-suivi Path does not match
88 app_generate_pdf /generate-pdf Path does not match
89 app_suivi_pdfi /pdf-suivii Path does not match
90 get_touslesites /touslesites Path does not match
91 get_sites_by_client /get_sites_by_client/{clientId} Path does not match
92 get_sites_by_evenement /get_sites_by_evenement/{evenementId} Path does not match
93 get_evenements_by_client /get_evenements_by_client/{clientId} Path does not match
94 get_halls_by_site /get_halls_by_site/{siteId} Path does not match
95 get_centres_by_site /get_centres_by_site/{siteId} Path does not match
96 app_client_index /client/ Path does not match
97 app_client_new /client/new Path does not match
98 app_client_show /client/{id} Path does not match
99 app_client_edit /client/{id}/edit Path does not match
100 app_client_delete /client/{id} Path does not match
101 app_client_delete_custom /client/supprimer-client/{id} Path does not match
102 app_disponibilite_index /disponibilite/ Path does not match
103 app_disponibilite_new /disponibilite/new Path does not match
104 app_disponibilite_show /disponibilite/{id} Path does not match
105 update_disponibilite /disponibilite/update-disponibilite/{id} Path does not match
106 app_disponibilite_edit /disponibilite/{id}/edit Path does not match
107 delete_disponibilite /disponibilite/delete-disponibilite/{id} Path does not match
108 app_disponibilites /disponibilites Path does not match
109 add_disponibilite /add-disponibilite Path does not match
110 app_disponibilites_toutes /disponibilites/toutes Path does not match
111 disponibilites_par_date /disponibilites/date/{date} Path does not match
112 donation_search_synthesis /donation/search Path does not match
113 export_donations /exportdonations Path does not match
114 app_generate_pdf2 /generate-pdf2 Path does not match
115 app_donations_graph /donations/graph Path does not match
116 app_formulaire_index /formulaire/ Path does not match
117 app_formulaire_new /formulaire/new Path does not match
118 app_formulaire_show /formulaire/{id} Path does not match
119 app_formulaire_edit /formulaire/{id}/edit Path does not match
120 app_formulaire_delete /formulaire/{id} Path does not match
121 app_formulairedechethuile_index /formulairedechethuile/ Path does not match
122 app_formulairedechethuile_new /formulairedechethuile/new Path does not match
123 app_formulairedechethuile_show /formulairedechethuile/{id} Path does not match
124 app_formulairedechethuile_edit /formulairedechethuile/{id}/edit Path does not match
125 app_formulairedechethuile_delete /formulairedechethuile/{id} Path does not match
126 app_formulaire2 /formulairedon Path does not match
127 app_lien_donation /formulairedon/{id}/{name} Path does not match
128 app_submit_formulaire /submitformulaire Path does not match
129 app_remerciement_formulaire /remerciements Path does not match
130 app_planning /planning Path does not match
131 planifier /planifier Path does not match
132 planning_tous /planning/tous Path does not match
133 update_planning /planning/update/{id} Path does not match
134 delete_planning /planning/delete/{id} Path does not match
135 app_register /register Path does not match
136 app_login / Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.